This blog has been instrumental in bringing us together. It is not leaving, but it is MOVING - Yay! - to my new website (How happy am I that I got that domain name? Can you believe that some other mmfinck has the gmail address?)
Following is even easier now. All you have to do is enter your email address on the private contact form on the CONTACT ME page. No private information, no sales, ads, or questions.
You guys who have been with me here, some since this blog's inception, you know me. I'm heart with feet. I talk a lot and have a goofy sense of humor that makes me laugh most of all. Even when you groan I still laugh. I love being a part of our community. As an author, I deathly focused and driven; passionate about my characters and their stories; and a little nutty due to all the voices talking in my head. I am also the most grateful person on the planet for you guys and for the opportunities and work ethic instilled in me by my parents that have gotten me here. My site was designed to bring all of those parts of me together. I think my blog did that. I hope you feel it on my site too. Click around. Share it. Keep talking to me in all the ways you do.
All love,